
Revision as of 05:28, 28 November 2019 by Jason (talk | contribs)

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// Swappers have these two attributes.
var nexus = $( "input[data-swapper][data-swap-interval]" );
if(nexus.length) {
	// Check each swapper separately.
	nexus.each(function() {
		// Define variables inside here to hold stuff for the setInterval loop.
		var nex = $(this);
		var overlord = $( "#swap-override" );  // A checkbox to pause ALL swapping on a page
		var inverter = $( "#swap-inverter" );  // A checkbox to invert ALL animations (check to animate)
		var ident = nex.attr( "data-swapper" );     // Name
		var rep = nex.attr( "data-swap-interval" ); // Duration (in milliseconds)
			var x = nex.prop( "checked" );
			if(!overlord.prop( "checked" ) &&	(inverter.prop( "checked" ) ? x : !x) ) { // Pause when checked
				$( "[data-swap-nexus=" + ident + "]" ).each(function() {
					// Rotate out the text!
					var swap = $(this).attr( "data-swap" ).split( " " ),
					newText = swap.shift();
					swap.push( newText );
					$(this).text(newText).attr( "data-swap" , swap.join( " " ));
		}, rep);

// OVERRIDE LINK TITLES (in certain circumstances)
$( "span[title][data-title-override] a[title]" ).removeAttr( "title" );

var $e = function (tag, text, classes, id) {
	var d = document.createElement(tag);
	var cl = d.classList;
	if (classes !== undefined) {
		classes.forEach( (c) => cl.add(c) );
	if(id) { = id;
	d.textContent = (text || "");
	return d;
// Function to streamline getElementById
var $i = function (id, top) {
	if(top === undefined) {
		top = document;
	return top.getElementById(id);
// Function to streamline querySelector
var $q = function (query, top) {
	if(top === undefined) {
		top = document;
	return top.querySelector(query);
// Function to streamline querySelectorAll
var $a = function (query, top) {
	if(top === undefined) {
		top = document;
	return top.querySelectorAll(query);
// Function to look up a CSS variable (not needed)
/*var $v = function (variable) {
	return window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(variable).trim();
// Function to set CSS variables
var $sv = function (variable, value) {, value);