Ancient Kartara/Lexicon

< Ancient Kartara
Revision as of 05:59, 12 August 2017 by Jason (talk | contribs) (tavernkeeper)
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Word cat Definition
a conj or
aa n guts
aaku n day (as opposed to night)
aakuli n winter solstice
aakulo n summer solstice
aaĭ n shame
aaĭkopa adj shameful
aeń v care (about)
aeĭ n wave (ocean)
afuku n language
aheu n crow
aif v think, imagine
aifu adj creative
aiśaĭ n thought
aiś v offer
aiśaĭ n offer, offering
akasa n sibling, brother, sister
aki adj small, little
akiolo n glass
akiś v halt, stop, wait, pause (implies continuance in the future)
akiśaĭ n halt, stoppage, pause (implies continuance in the future)
akiśeso adj stopped, paused (implies continuance in the future)
ako n window
aktofo adj green
alek v joke, amuse
aleku adj funny, amusing
aleĭso n friend
ali int who
alosof v curve
alosofeso adj curved, curvy
alosośaĭ n curve
aluko n man, male
alumani n hospitality, welcome
aluĭ adj big, large
aĺas v hide
aĺaseso adj hidden
aĺoasi adj crooked, distorted
aĺoasip v bend, distort
aĺu adj yes, true, affirmative
ami adj few
amu n finger
ani int why
antali adj beautiful
antalip v beautify
antaĭ n night
ańa n father
ańe adj many
ańkasa n uncle
aof v know
aofafo n knowledge
aofeso adj known
aorkasa n aunt
aorma n mother
apape n today
apapiun v
apopo n yesterday
apu adj bad
ara n sand, beach, shore
asam v finish, end, stop (implies completion)
asameso adj final, finished, ended (implies completion)
asaśaĭ n finale, finish, end, stop (implies completion)
asasa n litter (of animals)
asauf v allow
asie n seashell
asikuĭ n council
aslulu n foreign human, demi-human, foreigner
aspiaa adj yellow
astoku n tomorrow
asuat v keep, store, hold on to
asuka n woman, female
asuoĭ n name
asuoĭs v name, dub
ata # 12 (twelve)
ataf v blow
atań v turn (left, right, around...)
atat v put
ateaf v welcome to...
atee n tax
ateepam v tax
ati prep of, holding, carrying
atif v hold (object), carry
atipa adj wise
atipisaĭ n wisdom
atkao n basket
ato adj blue (darker green-blue; cerulean; teal; viridian)
atofa n branch (of a tree), bough
au n chair
aula n milk
aulapam v milk
aulno n cow, bull, ox
aulnuu n pasture, cow-land
auśa n bed
conj and
aĭkses v march, walk in formation
aĭkuki pron we (dual, inclusive)
aĭkuńa pron we (plural, inclusive)
aĭkuru pron we (paucal, inclusive)
aĭlo adj short
aĭń v read
aĭot́a n blanket
aĭoĭn v lose (not the opposite of win)
aĭpaĭf v surprise
aĭsta n bread
aĭstapam v bake
aĭstam v suck
aĭu n tongue
eat́ v sew
efe # 16 (sixteen)
ehoĭa det that (3rd referrent, farther away)
eka # 15 (fifteen)
ekaf v destroy, break
ekafeso adj broken, destroyed
eli int which
eloĭ det this (1st referrent)
eĺśumufi n dress
eĺui n fur
eĺuikopa adj furry
emaru pron they (paucal, animate, formal)
eme n child
emekoe adj childlike
emekopa adj childish
emiri dem this place/time (1st referrent; here; now)
emki pron they (dual, animate, formal)
emokefe n formal title for married adult (Mister, Mr, Mrs, Ms)
emori dem that place/time (2nd referrent; there; then; when; where)
empi pron he/she (animate, formal)
emuńa pron they (plural, animate, formal)
emusu adj soft (to the touch)
enatoĭ n spring (season)
enfai n horse
enfaiśi n stable
enopo n bow (front of boat)
ensua dem that place/time (3rd referrent; there; then; when; where)
enupi n triangle
eonestuo n symbol
epa # 13 (thirteen)
eplau adj normal, everyday, average
epo # 18 (eighteen)
eropertu n autumn, fall
es v do (something)
esa pron you (singular, formal)
esaki pron you (dual, formal)
esia n saddle
esias v mount (get on top of)
esiasoĭsi n mount, rideable animal
esińa pron you (plural, formal)
esiru pron you (paucal, formal)
eslaĭ dem this one (1st referrent)
esokaĭ pron reflexive pronoun, formal
esoĭa dem that one (3rd referrent, farther away)
esu # 14 (fourteen)
etaĭkatu n clothes (sing.)
eti # 17 (seventeen)
etook v
etu # 19 (nineteen)
euĭ # 10 (ten)
eĭaĭf v
eĭeś v fish (from a boat)
eĭloĭ dem that one (2nd referrent, closer)
eĭna det that (2nd referrent, closer)
fao prep for (the benefit of), for (satisfying)
faoĭn v
fat́aa n liver
fat́aĭ n heart
faus v bite
faĭon v wash, clean
faĭoneso adj clean, washed
fe # 6 (six)
fesa n rope
fesas v tie (down, together, to)
feuń v wake (a person)
feuś v fly
feuśafo n flight
feuśoĭmi n wing
feĭsi n worth, value
feĭsipam v appraise, value
fiaĭn v cry, weep
fikoaĭ n wine
fin v go, travel, move
finiśi n course, path, way, trail
finoĭno n traveller
fiśaĭ n trip, voyage, pilgrimage
foa adj no, untrue, negative
foata n road
foatia n neighbor
foo n gold
foru n drum
foseń v
foteĭpo n picture
foĭsu adj ugly
foĭteĭ adj bitter
foĭu n word
fu adj thin
fua n page
fuhao n book
fukua n paper
fut v play
futoĭa adj playing
futoĭno n player, person at play
futu adj playful
haa n snake
haati n worm
haaki n desert
haan v
haeĭ n egg
haf v lie, fib
hafu adj fake
halo n fire
halati n flame
haleto n bonfire
haliam v burn
halome n volcanic mountain, volcano
hao n group, grouping, collection
hapitutaĭ adj fertile
hasuĭ n tail
hat́upu n summer
haĭf v dance
haĭśaĭ n dance
haĭka adj sour (taste)
heĺef v
heĭk v honor, respect
heĭkafo n honor, respect
hi n eye
his v notice, see, spot
hia n bank (of a river)
hiat́ala n roadside
hii n art
hioes v wipe
hisi n apple
ho n net
hofpaĭa n island
hoi n silver
hok v squeeze
hokań v drown
hosateu n plain
hu # 1 (one)
huha n family
huka adj first
huki pron we (dual, exclusive)
hulo adj lonely, lonesome
huńa pron we (plural, exclusive)
huru pron we (paucal, exclusive)
husa pron I
hute n number
huĭsen v mean
huĭsenafo n meaning, intention
ia adj red
iafulsaś v
iah v laugh
iahafo n laughter
iaśaĭ n laugh
iam v seem, resemble
iata adj smart, intelligent, intelligence
iaĭ adj continuous, continuously
iaĭs v trick
ieĭ prep except, but
ifke adj sick, ill
ifkisaĭ n sickness, illness
iipke adj foolish
iiś v
ikeuk v send, deliver
iki conj that (expanding on previous thought), conjunction linking preceding adverbial to the following independant clause
ikireta n table
ilaa n bone
ilon v yell, shout
ilu # 11 (eleven)
iĺui adj crazy
impolo adj secret
impolisaĭ n secrecy
inau conj because
inaĭo n voice
infi n neck, throat
inofpe adj rough, coarse
inti n wife
iom v marry
iomana n husband
ion v say, speak, tell, talk
ionata n shop, store
iosis v
ioĭs v listen
ipan v like, appreciate
iruo n soul, mind
iruisaĭ n idea
isaĭ n thing
isea adj tall, lofty, height
isi n ear
isita adj stupid, dumb
isom v
itikto adj expensive, costly
itolo n north
iu conj if
ium v stand
iuś v follow
iuśu adj following
iuĭt́io n squirrel
ka # 5 (five)
kafa pron it (singular, inanimate, formal/informal); add -ki or -ru to denote dual or paucal, respectively.
kafetoi n example
kala n animal (land)
kaleĭlo n boyfriend
kaleĭsa n girlfriend
kam v be (permanent characteristics)
kaman v keep, maintain
kani n nose
kanko n meat
kańa pron they (plural, inanimate, formal/informal)
karaki n doll
karau n message
karaati adj note
kariso n soldier
karisoao n company, troop, unit, etc. of soldiers
kart́a n person, being, self, human, people
kart́ara n kartara (lang, people name) (lit: sand-person)
kart́aralome n kartaralome (lit: sand-person of the volcanoes)
kasu n fear
kaśaot v copy (writing)
kata n edge
kataka adj holy, holiness
katapoto n cliff
kateu n candle
katos v call (to someone, something)
kat́ v encircle, surround
kat́afo n circle
kat́oĭa adj encircling, around, about
kat́u adj round, spherical
kat́usuĭtu n wreath of flowers
kat́utano n wreath of leaves
kauko ex goodbye, farewell
kaĭfohepe n demon, devil, evil creature
kaĭfoepekoe adj demonic
kaĭu n week, seven days
ke n god
kepis v want, desire
keśa n star
ket v give
ket́es v thank
keu ex hello
keĭa prep under, underneath
ki # 2 (two)
kian v touch
kie n half
kihis v worry
kikaf v catch, grab
kimi adj cold
kintaĭ # 20 (twenty)
kio n key
kirampati n valley
kirampoto n canyon
kiu n air
kiun v breathe
koa n west
koaĺt́uke n nature, the natural world
koeĭ int how much, how many
koka n moss
kokaa adj weak
kompu n sky
kora n lock
koso n sheep
kosisaĭ n wool
kot́o adj fast
koĭ adj brave
koĭasu n story, tale
koĭmeĭ adj strong
kua n hand
kukof v open
kukus v enter, go in
kukusiśi n entrance, entry (place)
kukuśaĭ n entrance, entry (completed action)
kulaf v fight
kulo n boy
kupo n moon
kupisaĭ n month
kupoas v flow, stream, trickle
kusa n girl
kusia n fog, esp. over land
kusuo n mist, esp. over water
kuĭpoo n archipelago, island group
kuĭu n east
oa n lake, pond
oak v shrink, grow smaller
oap v should (do)
oas v grow, swell
oaĭh v vomit, throw up
oe conj though
oes v eat
ohia n law
oho adj dry
okal v live
oke prep like, as, akin to
okio adj long
oksomse adj gray
okuĭ n wind
olfi n feather
oloa n cloud
olu n sun
olukopa adj sunny
oĺa adj soon
oĺai adj last, final (in sequence)
oĺe adj dull (not sharp)
omai adj heavy
omatifaĭa n basket, lit. thing-that-carries (om-atif-aĭa)
ome n mountain
omepato n peak (of a mountain)
omepiraĭ n crest (of a mountain)
omeuńi n mountain range
ona adj quiet, soft (sound)
onipsa n shell, covering
ońt́u adj special
oo n blood
oop v expect
ooĭ n semen
oplo prep beside, next to, close to, by
opoĭo adj loud
opuo n spool
orioto adj real
oruko n animal (water, not fishlike)
osan v sit
osarae n delta
ose n river
oseaĺśe n swamp, marsh
osefpe n rapids (on a river)
oset́ala n street, trail (lit. river of earth)
oso n fish (generic)
osoś v search
ośo adj wet
otakis v meet
otap v throw (something)
oti n louse
otuke n plate, dish
oĭokeĭa n wilderness
oĭoki adj wild, untamed
oĭomo n plant (small, land-based)
oĭpup v receive, accept, take (this)
oĭsien v dig
oĭt́oma adj different, difference
pa # 3 (three)
pai n mouth
pakasa n snow
pakaun v measure
pakhaĭt v command, order
pala adj dark, dim
palaku n chest
pali int how
pam v get, obtain
pan v kill
paoń v subtract, remove
papaĭsa n inn, hotel
pas v light, shine, illuminate
pasetu adj light, bright
paso n day (length of time)
patupo n year
pat́ka n belly
pauĭ n back (part of body)
paĭ prep for (the desire or purpose of), for (a period of time/distance), about, at (object, event, non-location)
paĭe n brain, mind
paĭka n ice
paĭtaĭ n ford, crossing
pefaĭ n tea
pei n dog
peisaĭos v
pen v can, may, is allowed to
pepa pron you (singular, informal)
pepaĭtu n debt
peroĭ n ceiling, roof
peĭaĺśe adj slow
peĭka n prisoner
pias v smile
piaĭ n home
piaĭsko n bird nest
pies v cook
pietaaĭ n story
pikaĭla n non-bird nest, warren, den
piki pron you (dual, informal)
pińa pron you (plural, informal)
piof v free, freedom
pip v push, shove
piraĭ adj upper, upwards, upstream
piru pron you (paucal, informal)
piruĭ adj lower (not upper), downwards, downstream
pisik v hate
pisou n foot
pitauĭ n tooth
piu n toe
piura n rose
po # 8 (eight)
poa n lip
poan v kiss
poe n sword
pofe adj white
pokata n shrine
pokaĭ pron reflexive pronoun, informal
pokeń v choose
pokeśaĭ n choice
pokiko adj probable
poof v die
pop v scratch
poroo n body
porto adj boring, tedious
posko n bird
potkam v fold (something)
poto adj sharp
potus v place
pot́aa n tool
poĭsat́ v regret
pu adj now, currently
puaf v believe
puf v be (transient properties, current location, etc)
pukun v divide, partition, part, portion out; one becomes many
pukunuoĭ n part, portion
pupaĭ adj sweet (taste)
puĭa n dress
puĭp v ask
puĭsah v answer, respond
puĭsaśaĭ n answer, response
puĭtia n wheat
saas v sleep
saaseso adj asleep
saasu adj sleepy, tired
sait́ v greet
sakakeaf v
sakoi adj cheap
sali n bridge
salo int what
san v use
santupire n schoolhouse
santus v teach, instruct, inform
sanu adj thick (z-axis)
sanisaĭ n depth (z-axis)
sanup v thicken (z-axis)
saoĭku n map
sap v rub
sasias v annoy, bother
sasis v remember
sasoo adj same, alike
saśim v must (do)
sataś v dream
satuĭke n game
sau adj late
sauĭ n shoe
saĭkopato n hat
se n salt
sea n seed
seat v bring, birth
seaĭ n baby
seaĭta n parent
see # 0 (zero)
sein v close
selek v run
seles v jump
ses v walk
sestaka n walking stick, cane
sete adj empty, hollow
seĭo n poppy
seĭoń v please (may I, can you, etc), request of
si prep with, having, holding
sia n boat, ship
siin v forget
sikio n skin
siĺao n stern (back of boat)
siuf v hope, wish
siupaa n pants, trousers
soef v love
soi n money
sokań v swim
soko adj early
solioĭ n price, cost
somus v roll, spin
sonim v work
sono prep on, onto, on top of, upon
sopa n smoke
sopio n sound, noise
sopo n ashes
sora n music
sorio n tune, melody
soru n song
sosiso n pen
sośif v help
sośo adj insufficient, not enough
sośt́oko n wagon, wheeled cart
sou n wheel, ball
soup v float, rise, ascend, go up
soĭ conj of the following; introduces a list
soĭs v taste
su # 4 (four)
suaf v hear
suasa adj evil
suaĭn v born
sue adj quarter, one-fourth
sufaĭ n square
suif v need
suik v sail
suikuaĭ n sailor
suina n sail
sukeĭn v tear, rip
sukopetoh v
suo n thread, string
suĭkoe n list
suĭtu n flower
śaa n head
śaotaon v
śari n face
śasa n grass
śaĭrim v lift, raise
śaĭsu adj brown; orange
śi n place, location, general area
śimu adj right (opposite of left)
śiso n war
śista n corner
śit́ami n palace, king-place
śoki n faithful
śuim v sink, go down, descend
śuimu adj drooping, hanging down
śuĭrim v drop, lower
ta n dust, grit
tapam v make dirty, messy, etc
taa int yes/no, true/false
tafem v have, has
tahi pron he/she (singular, animate, informal)
tai n sandal
taka n stick
takan v grow (food)
takeĭ adj excessively, too (much)
tako n muscle
takopu n bottle
takuni adj blue (darker blue; navy; indigo; cobalt)
tala adj deep
tali int where
talus v clap, applaud
tamese adj wonderful
tanele adj easy, simple
tanke adj strange
tano n leaf, leaves
tao n fruit
taon v cut
taoto adj warm (temperate, comfortable)
tapat v split, separate (separate things become farther apart)
tapuo n breast
tarhuĭa n winter
tasa adj near
tasaru pron they (paucal, animate, informal)
taski pron they (dual, animate, informal)
taśeń v crime (committing)
taśeńuti n crime (in progress)
taśeśaĭ n crime (completed)
taśńa pron they (plural, animate, informal)
taśo adj ready, prepared
tatae n cup, goblet
tatio n pitcher, decanter
tatoimo n box, crate
tatos v hit
tatu adj careful
foatatu adj not careful, hasty
tau n butt, rear end
taĭe n iron
taĭef v find, add (numbers)
taĭelo n steel
taĭken v visit
taĭkeśaĭ n visit
taĭpoki n dinner, supper
taĭuse n root
teka adj young
tekeĭa n floor (to stand on)
tekoo adj glad
tekoĭ n room
teĺoś v lose (opp. of win)
teom v see, look
tepuśoko n peninsula
teśt́iu adj horrible
teta adj far
teteo n south
teto n instance, event
tetop v multiply
teĭkun v point (at, to)
teĭkuneso adj towards, in the direction/time of (specific point)
teĭoś v caress, fondle
teĭośaĭ n caress, soft touch
ti # 7 (seven)
tia adj intermittently, sometimes, randomly
tiase adj sad, unhappy
tiatei n flute
tiaĭ n knife
tielasa n lunch
tihioĭ adj important
tikaĭtitaan v
tikof v build (something)
tinse n evening
tinseo n dusk, sunset
tinta adj hot (not cold or warm)
tio adj old
tioto adj blue (lighter blue-green; cyan; sky; electric blue; turquoise)
tipaĭ n sugar
tisi n afternoon
tisia n noon
tisite n pig
tisos v hurt, damage
tiś v make, create
titaĭ n grove of trees
tite n meadow
toa adj happy
toaĭ adj fat, wide
toaĭp v widen, fatten
toisaĭ n width
tofoas v be quiet, be silent
tokof v obey
toĺo adj patient
too n basic unit of long distance (mile, kilometer)
toon v come, arrive
topa n grain
topatos v
topou adj lost (on land), unknown location
tornato n brim, lip
torteno n guest, invited person
tosin v smell
toso n morning
tosoa n dawn, sunrise
tososam v freeze, solidify
toś v drink
tośiśamomo n tavernkeeper
tośiśi n tavern
totaĭ n beer
totof v sing
touh v count
touĭn v play (musical instrument, esp. woodwind/brass)
toĭka n town, village
toĭketo n city
toĭn v pull, yank
toĭnaĭ n world
tu # 9 (nine)
tuan v trade, barter
tue n food
tues v do (habitually)
tuf v stab
tuin v (intend to) do
tuka adj again
tuketeĭs v
tuksun v write
tuluma adj difficult, hard, complex
tupaĭa n queue, line, geometric line
tusin v buy
tusou n farm
tuĭloa adj alone
tuĭpaa n servant
t́a n leader
t́aa n stone
t́aam v cover
t́afoa adj middle, between
t́aka n wall
t́akoa n a rock, stone, etc
t́akoati n pebble
t́akoeto n boulder
t́ala n earth, ground
t́aloĭa n mine
t́am v rule, lead
t́amio n king
t́asaf v dress, clothe
t́aśeĭ n breakfast
t́aśka adj angry
t́ati adj left (opposite of right)
t́at́io n fence
t́au n forest, woods
t́aĭ n right, correct
t́ei n mouse
t́iam v doubt
t́io n tree
t́ioĭ adj wrong, incorrect
t́itao n fruit tree
t́it́i n bug, insect
t́iu n bark (part of tree)
t́o n hill
t́okiif v
t́otoĭ n door
t́ukea n oak tree
t́uku n field
t́uśaĭ n maple tree
t́uĭkas v trust
uas v lie (down)
uaś v take (something)
ufa adj good, well
uis v fall down, collapse
uko adj all
ukotio n peace
ukuĭ adj free, freedom
ulan v hunt
uli int when
ulota n son
uĺkopa adj full
umili n kitten
umu n cat
uni adj new
uńt́ai adj lucky, luck
uoĭ conj but, however
upeĭka n prison
upire n house
upirefuhao n library (lit. book-house)
upireke n temple, god-house
uruni adj hard
usaeĭ n daughter
usani n health
usanu adj healthy
uso adj some, a portion of, part of
usro n hair
utip v win (opp. of lose)
utis v begin, start
utos v cause
uu n land, region, area
uĭa n boss
uĭaĭn v understand, learn
uĭlo n rain
uĭlsi adj interesting
uĭmu adj black
uĭni n wolf
uĭpaki adj lost (at sea), unknown location
uĭse n waterfalls
uĭsim v satisfy
uĭtamu n juice
uĭtamukopa adj juicy
uĭtaĭs v consider
uĭte n water
uĭtese n saltwater, seawater, ocean, sea
uĭtuka n spring (of water)